Sunday, January 13, 2008

Utah Trip, Sunday

We were going to church, but Grandma was sick and you were being fusy pants, so we stayed home. Carly called and needed some vanilla for some cookies, so we threw some clothes on and went over to her apartment. I wanted to see how cute she had decorated Baby Andie Brooke's nursery. Andie is so adorable with huge blue eyes.

It was exciting to see the two of your interact. You were trying to play with her, but she's so small compared to you that you were being too rough, so you had to just look at her from a distance.

After that we came home and spent the afternoon getting ready for the dinner party. The Clowards came over. You let Chris hold you while you drank your ba ba.

You were so cute with Aunt Jill and kept wanting her to hold you.

You loved Uncle Josh, too. He was so tender and loving with you and you were just soaking it up.

You are such a flirt, and when Cade walked in you were smiling and shimmy-ing your shoulders at him. Too funny.

After everyone left, you sat with Aunt Jill and read a book. It was precious to see the two of you getting along so well. She kept telling you that even though you don't remember, that you two used to be good friends before we moved. It was sweet.

Uncle Rick even came over for just 5 minutes to say hi to us. It took you a minute to warm up to him. We are so lucky to have such loving family.

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