Monday, January 14, 2008

Utah Trip, Monday

We got up today, got cleaned up, packed up all of our stuff, and then went over to Prosper to visit Connie. You and her share the same birthday. It was so good to see her again.

Then we got to the airport 2 hours early, which was nice so we could get all checked in and just sit and relax for a while and not be in a rush. You were too cute and liked being able to crawl and walk around before you had to sit on the plane for 2 hours.

Here you are striking a pose. What a super model!

"Good bye, Utah. I blow you kisses."

You were a good girl on the plane. Look, you were even reading along in the saftey book. You fell asleep right after take off and slept until right before we landed. You were flirting with the old bald man sitting behind us by waving to him through the slit in the seats. Then when the plane landed you were peeking around the seat at him. Then you were being cute with the people in the aisle while we were waiting our turn to unload. Grammy Lisa was so glad to see you and you were glad to be home. What a fun trip!

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