Saturday, January 12, 2008

Utah Trip, Saturday

We got up, got ready, and headed up to see Mindi & the kids. We stopped and got some pizza for lunch and just sat and talked and had fun. The kids are getting so big. Bubzy was super cute with you. He let you sit on his lap while he played Nintendo and then any time you cried, he went and picked you up and told you it was alright. It was cute to see the two of you together. What a good older brother.

Justy is just as fun as ever. He had us laughing as usual. This is Baby Angel, Mindi & Arturo's baby. She's getting so big.

Here's Daddy with his two princesses.

It was so bittersweet to see all 4 of you together again. You loved being around the kids and they loved being around you.

Mindi is such a good mom and I am so glad we are friends.

Jewlsey has changed the most and was so grown up. She was talking and loved having you there. She kept saying, "I love Lisa and I love Baby Autumn." It just melted my heart, and this video is the best. She's going to be a great bigger sister.

I'm glad you got to see the kids and spend time with them and that they got to spend time with you. I am going to make sure that they are always a part of your life and that you are a part of their's.

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