Saturday, January 12, 2008

Utah Trip, Saturday Part 2

After seeing Mindi & the kids, we went over to spend time with Jonesy, Baby Saige, and Brenner. We had fun and did pedicures and just sat and talked. You were kind of stinker as the evening got late. You would arch your back and start throwing a tantrum. I had to just lay you on the floor while you did your thing, so I started calling you Flopsy.

When we got back to Grandma's, you were fine and liked all the attention she was giving you.

Not to mention all the kisses!

This little stool kept you entertained for about 30 minutes. You turned it over and kept trying to climb on it and figure out how to get your whole body in between the legs of it. Grandma and I couldn't help but just sit and watch you and laugh at how your little mind was working and what you must have been thinking. I love watching you learn and grow.

It was a busy day and I think you were worn out.

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