Friday, January 11, 2008

Utah Trip, Friday

We got cleaned up and went up to Prosper in Draper where I used to work. There was this little boy there with his mom and you two had fun laughing at each other. We went out to lunch with some of my friends there, and everyone was surprised at how much you've grown. They remember when you would come to work with me when Daddy had to go to class and how you would just lay on your blanket or sleep in your car seat. Hard to believe that was just 6 months ago and how much you've grown up since then.

After Prosper, we went up to Aunt Jana's in Ogden to spend time with her and Brecklynn. It was so much fun and the two of you are so cute.

You played so well together and it was fun for you to have new toys to play with.

Aunt Jana was feeding you both Teddy Grahams and you definitely ate more than Brecklynn. Aunt Jana would give her 1/2 of one for every whole one she gave you.

We just laughed and had a great time, but then it was time to go before it got too late.

We stopped by Aunt Jeri's on the way home to avoid the 5:00 rush hour traffic.

It was fun to see her and Uncle Dave before heading back to Provo.

We got home and you think you needed to have two ba ba's.

Here's the two pink pajama mama's.

Not only did you think you needed two ba ba's, you also thought you needed two remotes. What a little pill!

By the way, last night was AWFUL! You had such bad blow out diapers that you pooped through all 4 pairs of jammies I brought you! I was naughty and gave you Diet Caffeine Free Coke and Pedialyte to help calm your tummy. That did the trick, and you did much better today.

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