Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July 2008

We woke up this morning to Grandpa telling us to come in his & Grammy's room to look at something on the window. This is what we saw...a little green frog. You LOVED it and kept trying to touch it through the glass. Even now as I am blogging this, you are sitting on my lap and keep pointing at the frog and smiling and looking up at me to make the, "Ribbit. Ribbit." noise.

After that, Grammy was feeding you some pasta salad for breakfast and you were EATING IT UP!!! You kept eating, and eating, and eating. You even sat down w/ the bowl in between your legs and pulled pasta out of the bowl and put it in your mouth non-stop for 2 minutes straight. It was so funny.

After that, we went outside to get the pool area cleaned up for our party. However, you were more interested in playing in the sand instead of cleaning up.

When it was finally time to get in the pool, you would NOT let these basketballs go. You had to have them both. I was laughing and saying you're either a chipmunk with big cheeks, or you're trying to be Dolly Parton.

After swimming, it was time to eat. You looked so cute in your swimsuit sitting at your own little table by yourself. Where's Cousin Andrew when we need him?

After that, it was nap time. When you got up, we went over to say hi to Uncle Curt, b/c he had come over when you were asleep. I am so proud of myself for getting this ADORABLE and festive headband at the Target $1 Spot! You look so cute in it with your little outfit.

Then tonight, we met over at one of Grandpa's clinics and drove to an open field to watch the fireworks. We sat in the back of the Durango.

But we all didn't fit, so we also brought a blanket. You were climbing all over Grammy in the back of the Durango, so she got a blanket and went and laid on the grass. Soon enough, you decided to join her and climb all over her on the blanket. Poor Grammy.

When it was time for the fireworks, you were mesmerized. We were far enough away that there really weren't any loud booms to scare you. You just sat and stared at them the whole time they were going off. You would even say, "Oooohhhh!" a few times.

This was the MOST PRECIOUS picture! You totally did this on your own, and put your arms around Grandpa and Grammy while watching the show. It's like you're saying, "Hey, thanks guys for this great evening. I'm enjoying myself, are you?" It was TOO CUTE!!!

HAPPY 4th OF JULY 2008!!!



We sure missed ya'll & that really is a precious picture of Autumn with her arms around Grammy & Grandpa. TOO CUTE!!!

Jeremy said...

That last pic is too cute. She is just as thoughtful as her Momma.