Saturday, June 7, 2008

Swimming & Sweeping

We got up this morning and went outside to play in the sandbox. You and Andrew were having a blast. You went and got this little life vest, so I guess you wanted to go swimming.

You and Andrew sat at your little picnic table and Grandpa gave you Lucky Charms. It was so funny to watch you reach across the table and steal Andrew's marshmallows and vice versa.

You are a little fish and love being in the water. We had some watermelon for a snack, and you wanted to chew on the pieces even though there wasn't much left. You weren't happy with just one had to have for each hand.

Grammy is so good to you and spoils you rotten. It was so cute when you gave her some sugars.

After that, you got out the broom and decided to sweep up. You spent a good hour just walking around with the broom and putting it in the pool and playing with it.

You are such a cutie pa-toot-ie! It's so fun to watch you swim and sweep and just enjoy whatever you are doing. It makes me happy.

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