Saturday, March 29, 2008

Silly Saturday

We got up this morning and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, which you really like. You like to dance along with the music. Then I guess you we ran you ragged b/c you sat on my lap and next thing I know you were asleep. You're just so cute with your little hands.

Grammy & Grandpa got home today from Utah and you were SO excited. You just hugged Grammy and kept looking up into her face with such happiness and love. I guess she was glad to see you too, b/c she's squeezing those cute lovable cheeks.

I don't know what it is with you and dryer sheets, but you found one and were carrying it around with you and I guess you decided Andrew's hair was stinky and needed some dryer sheet rubbed on it.

Grandpa and Andrew mowed the back yard, but it looks like Andrew zonked out a little early and fell asleep.

Next it was your turn to go for a ride. You and Grandpa went over and mowed the lot.

You cried when you first drove away from me, but then you were fine and had a good time.

When you two got back, Andrew had gotten up from his nap, so we decided to get a picture of all 3 of you. Obviously, that was something you babies did NOT want to do. This picture just makes me laugh. I just might have to print this one out and frame it, b/c it's so funny.

But once we got some chocolate milk into the two of you, y'all were just fine and loved sitting with Grandpa to watch a movie.

Andrew was very entertaining tonight. He put this Easter basket on his head and kept running around the living room. He couldn't see very well and kept tripping over his blanket and kept running into things, but he kept doing it and we kept laughing harder and harder.

I guess I haven't done a good enough job of celebrating the holidays with you, b/c you decided to have your own holiday celebration and recognize 3 different holidays. You've got your Christmas gift bag, your St. Patrick's Day shamrock headband, and your Easter basket. What a kid! What a fun ending to a silly Saturday.

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