Well, it was mine and Dad's first Christmas together. We had the 3 other ba
bies this weekend, and opened gifts with them on Sunday (Christmas Eve) morning. We got Bubzy and Justy both Razor Scooters and Jewlsey a Dora the Explorer tricycle. Then Dad got me 2 new pregnancy shirts, fuzzy warm PJ's, Memoris of A Geisha (I got the same thing for him), and a new scripture case for my new big scriptures. I got him new white T-shirts, new PJ bottoms, Pirates of the Carribean 1, a book of our love notes to each other, and then from you I gave him a Willow Tree figurine called New Life. I saw it and thought it was SO TENDER.

Another exciting thing is that yesterday we went shopping for a recliner to rock you in. We went to a few different places and couldn't find what we wanted, but the last place we tried was perfect! We found the one we wanted in our price range, and it was delivered this morning. I'm so excited to rock you to sleep in it. After we bought it, we went and got some lunch and then headed home to rearrange the living room.
I had another OBGYN appointment today and Dr. Hebert said my cervix is getting soft, which is a good thing. Then she pushed on my tummy to see if she could guesstimate how much you'll weigh. She guessed about 8 - 8 1/2 pounds. But she said tall people can also hide really big babies, so we'll see if she's right or not. I got really light headed and starting sweating like crazy, so I was glad when she let me sit up. I can't believe that you could come at any time. I feel like I'm ready, but then I think about it and get nervous and realize that maybe I'm not. But whether I'm ready or not, you're coming when you're coming. Dad and I are getting super excited for your arrival. It's exciting and intimidating for me to think that I'm going to be responsible for EVERYTHING about you and that you are something Dad and I and Heavenly Father created together. SO NEAT!
1 comment:
Tara told me about your blog and gave me the site. I just read from start to finish and am so excited for you. Your blog made me cry too- but in a good way. I love you and hope you are feeling well. Keep posting. What a neat thing this will be for Autumn to read (well after she learns to read)!!
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