Grammy Lisa made me a little wall hanging when I was born with my name, date I was born, size, and weight. Dad suggested I make something like that for you as well so we can hang them by each other in the nursery. I've been working on something for a few weeks now and finished as much of it as I can tonight. Now I just have to wait for you to be born in order to put the date, your size, and your weight.

I also had Dad take some pictures of how big I've gotten. I really didn't look pregnant until the last week or so. I've been going to see Dr. Hebert every week now since we are in the "home stretch". It's funny because every time I go, she asks me what I do if there are any gushes of fluid or any bleeding. The answer every time is, "labor and delivery." I asked her to do a quick ultrasound to see if your head was in the down position and she said it was and everything is looking good. So now all we have to do is wait. On Friday the 22nd, I'll be 37 weeks which means that you are full term. Don't come before then!
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