Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Goat-Feeding, Orange-Eating Hair Dresser

IMG_7538 This is a regular occurrence on Saturday and Sunday mornings…you and Papa out feeding Gigi.  She is scared of you, but you are not scared of her and walk right up to her and pet her.

IMG_7546 You found this comb and decided that you were going to be a hairdresser today.  First it was Papa, but you had to go at it from the side since he has none on top.

IMG_7547 Then there was Mimi’s hair… “just tease it and make it look like a brown football helmet.”

IMG_7549 Uncle Nick’s hair is really too short to do anything with.

IMG_7550 And your comb got stuck in my long curly locks.

IMG_7551 You are such a sweetheart sometimes.  Look at that sweet and angelic (and also dirty) little face.

IMG_7559 We had some oranges and you went to town on them!  You ate about 3 of 4 slices and still wanted more.

IMG_7557 Are you smelling that orange or trying to hide behind it?

IMG_7555 I had to post this picture just in case anyone reading your blog thinks that things are always peachy and easy w/ you.  Lately you’ve had quite the little temper and I don’t know why.  If you don’t get what you want you scream, kick, scratch, bite yourself, etc.  I’ve tried ignoring it, giving you a little swat on the butt, putting you in time, 0ut, etc.  I hope you grow out of it soon and also hope that things will get better when you can actually talk and tell me what you want.  But either way, I love you to pieces!

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