Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ice, Ice, Baby

IMG_6929 Today we got up to icy roads, so the daycare was closed and so was my work.  I called some customers from home and then spent the rest of the day inside playing with you.  I was such a bum and stayed in my pajamas the whole day.  It was great.  I got you all bathed and cleaned up for the day.  Since I knew it was going to be a long day of being cooped up inside, I broke out the alphabet magnet letters for the fridge.  I was going to save those for Christmas, but you had so much fun with them that I was glad I got them out today.  You would arrange them on the fridge and then take them off and put them in your bucket and put them back on the fridge.  You got such joy out of such a simple thing.

IMG_6933 After you got bored with that, you were looking at Mindi & the Kids’ Christmas present.  “Unh, unh, unh!  No peeking, we don’t want to ruin the surprise!”

IMG_6937 I went to get some cereal ready for you to eat for breakfast.  I came over to the table and you had climbed up into your high chair all by yourself!  Papa had left a bag of Fritos on the table, and you had the whole bag and were just going to town.  What a little monkey…you are climbing all over the place.

IMG_6943 I have been wondering why Emma has been looking a little chubbier than usual.  I finally figured it out!  You’ve been feeding her human food on the sly.

IMG_6946 After being inside for most of the morning we wanted to get out.  We went out to see the goat.  Notice the water pail behind you.  The water was all frozen and we had to break the ice up so the goat could get a drink.  I think you look so adorable in this jacket.

IMG_6949 Papa wanted to clean out the dog/goat house, but that stubborn goat would NOT come out.  He had to grab it by the legs and pull it out.  We fed it and tried to get it to drink water, but it wouldn’t.  It just stood there and shivered.  I didn’t know goats could shiver, but now I know they can.  While Papa was cleaning out Gigi’s house (we named the goat Gigi) she snuck around the back of it and when he wasn’t looking she tried to push him out of the way and get back in the house.  I was laughing so hard I almost wet my pants but then held it in so it would turn to ice!  Who looks like the bigger (excuse my French) ass?  LOL!

IMG_6955 You had a good time being outside until it got way too cold and your little hands and nose were bright red.  You liked visiting the goat.  Look at that precious little face!

IMG_6958 “Bow, wow, yo.  Yippee yo.  Yippee ya.”
I was loving your gangsta hat that you borrowed from Uncle Nate.

IMG_6961 After being outside and being freezing cold, you were ready for a cup of warm Friendship Tea.  It’s not really tea, it’s just spiced up Tang, but that’ s just what we call it, and it is so good.

IMG_6963 Dad was showing you how to get Emma to do tricks.  First it was, “Dance, Emma, dance.”

IMG_6965 Then it was, “Play dead.”

IMG_6966 “Good job, Emma.  Here is your treat.”  Notice how you made Emma stand up on her hind legs to get her treat.  Emma really is a pretty talented dog.

IMG_6970 It was a fun day of staying home and spending time together today.

Last night when we got home from daycare Mimi had made some soup and I got a bowl for you and I to eat.  I told you to tell Mimi, “thank you.”  Usually you just does your sign language thank you, but tonight you did the sing language AND said the words thank you!  I let out a scream of delight and gave you a big hug and a kiss.  When you were little I would notice when I would get home from a day at work that you had made a “turn.”  Meaning that I noticed that you had all of a sudden grown up a lot during that one day.  I haven’t noticed any “turns” in a long time, but tonight was definitely one.  You are finally trying to talk more and make more sounds.  You are also such a big girl and you are so smart and inquisitive and you understand so much.  Somehow, last night, you grew up a little bit more right before my eyes.  I am the luckiest woman ever to be the mother of you, Little Bug!

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