Tuesday, June 5, 2007

First Food

As you can see, you're getting rather big and you like to eat (you're your mama's girl). Well one of dad's friends who has a little boy a few months older than you gave us some baby food that their baby wouldn't eat. And I figured we'd try it and see how you'd do.

I look silly in this picture, b/c I'm holding the camera upside down taking the picture myself. But here we are with your pears. You did pretty well for your first taste of baby food, not to mention I didn't have a little rubber baby spoon. You'd taste it and spit a little bit out, but you did a great job for your first time.

As you can see, I have to take pics myself, b/c otherwise they turn out like this (I asked Dad to take a picture, but he didn't want to get off the couch, so he took it laying on the couch, so you can see up both our noses). Oh, well. You only ate a tiny little bit of the pears, so it might take us a week to get through this little package of them. But I'm sure in no time you'll be eating up 2 of these in one sitting.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I love the close up shot of her in wearing the CUTE bib. She's adorable!!