Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fun visitors

I was busy getting stuff done this morning and got a call from Sis. Riley (now McDougall) from my mission. I answered and she said she was cleaning her house and found a gift she had for you. I felt super bad, b/c I didn't have a gift for Duncan, but I told her to go ahead and stop by anyways. They used to live in the next stairwell over when they first got married, so she knew right where we were. It was fun to sit and visit and catch up on what's going on in each other's busy lives.

You had just gotten up from a nap, but were in a good mood. You and Duncan just kept looking at each other and wondering who that other baby was. They brought you a cute little striped dress for when you're 6 to 9 months. So cute. He's just a week older than you, and Holly said she had just gone and had his 4 month visit (your's isn't until June 18th, and you'll be 5 months old by then). Anyways, she said he's in the 95th percentile for height and 75th for weight. Well, we stood you both up on the couch to look at each other, and you were a good 2 inches taller than him! So I can't wait to go and see how tall you are on June 18th. What a fun surprise visit for them to come over.

I guess all of that socializing wore you out, b/c when Dad and I made the switch off at my work, you were out for the count!

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