Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

For a venting session on how momma's 1st Mother's Day went, check out my blog. But I didn't want to vent on your page, b/c you're the whole reason I get to join the ranks of motherhood on this special day. I wanted to take this day to let you know that I absolutely LOVE being your mom. It is one of the greatest things I have EVER done. You are one of the BEST things that has happened to me. I can't wait to come home each night to see you. I feel like you bring out the best in me. I want to be a better person, b/c I'm your mom. I hope that we'll always be close and have the type of relationship that Grammy Lisa and I have. Thank you for letting me be your mom!


We had Grammy Lisa and Grandma Michele in town to love on you. We also went over to Aunt Jeri's to say hi to Jessica and her family, and then Jennifer and her boys came down as well. EVERYONE just fussed over you and how cute you are.

Here you are with PJ. He really wanted to hold you, and after about 2 minutes he said he was done.

So Jennifer gladly took over. Then all of a sudden, she had 2 helpers on either side of her. Chris is playing with your hands and PJ is helping to feed you.

Uncle Dave went and found this mask out in the garage. PJ put in on and out of nowhere said, "Aren't you glad Elvis is feeding your baby?" We DIED laughing. We were all crying we were laughing so hard. He's such a funny kid.

1 comment:


Autumn I hope you know that you really do have the best mom ever. Also I hope you know that I love you too & can't wait to see you in July. YEAH for me!!!