Saturday, May 26, 2007

1st Swim Time

Yeah! Today you had a few firsts. You helped mommy and daddy to plant our first garden. Then I've been wanting to go swimming for a long time (I miss swimming). So we went to Fairmont Aquatic Center. I found a little swimming suit in all the clothes that Aimee sent us that fit you just perfectly. We got in the water, and it was pretty cold if I do say so myself. You did NOT like it at first and started to get fussy. So Dad and I just held you close to us to keep you warm. You did fine after that. You even smiled a few times after you got used to it. Dad and I switched off holding you. We had bought a little inner tube for you, but they wouldn't let us use it. Dad went off swimming for a minute and when he came back, he said that you looked blue, so we got out. You can see from the picture that your little foot was all blue. Poor little bug. But you were a trooper and had a fun time I think. Yeah for your first swim time. Don't you worry, we'll have plenty more!

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