Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Cheer

IMG_6669 We got home from daycare/work and you were in a good mood.  You looked so cute in your little red sweat suit outfit from Aimee that I just had to get some pictures.

IMG_6670 “Thank you, thank you for the crackers, Mom!”

IMG_6672 We have some Christmas hats that we get out every year and you discovered them tonight.  First you were a Christmas Tree.

IMG_6678 Then you were practicing saying, “Ho, ho, ho.”

IMG_6679Santa Baby

IMG_6682 Ebenezer Scrooge & Bah Hambug

IMG_6686 When it was time to put the hats away, you were NOT happy and tried hitting me, so you had to sit in the time out chair.  I usually put you in the chair, tell you why you’re in time out, and then ignore you while you scream until it’s time to get out of timeout.  You quit crying all of a sudden, so I turned to look and see what you were doing and you had your foot about 1 inch from the ground.  I told you not to even think about getting out until your 2 minutes was up and you just looked at me with this daring look and wiggled your foot to within centimeters of the ground.  I know I’m in trouble when you’re a teenager if you are already defying me at such a young age!

IMG_6687Luckily you finally believed me that I would keep you in time out for an extra minute if you put your foot on the ground.  After your timeout, you gave me a kiss and said sorry and were off to playing.  You wanted me to take off your jacket and shirt and kept saying “bubbles” which means you want to go take a bath.  But before a bath, you were being a silly goose and were playing peek-a-boo w/ me on the chair.



IMG_6695 “Look at my pretty red shoes, Mama!”  Those used to be Jewlsey’s shoes that Mindi is letting us borrow.  You look so cute in your red bow, diaper, and red shoes!  What a kid!

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