Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sour Toes & Cheesy Smiles

IMG_6180 Tonight we got home and Mimi had gotten chicken salad from Costco, and you LOVE that stuff.  You wanted to feed yourself and of course got it all over your face, but you were a happy baby.

IMG_6187 You think it’s the funniest thing ever to have us all smell your stinky feet.  At first it started out as just a little game we would play to make you laugh, but you really do have sour vinegar toes at the end of the day, b/c you insist on wearing your shoes even to bed!  I thought Mimi’s face was priceless in this pic and you were laughing so hard and kept doing this over and over and over.

IMG_6189 I just loved your little expression here.  I love it when you do your big cheesy grin where you show your teeth.

IMG_6193 We had to go get a flu shot at the clinic last night and you still had your band aid on.  You ran around the house like this for a while w/ just your diaper, hot pink socks, and shoes!  SO FUNNY!

IMG_6195 “I have an idea.  How about you take a picture of me looking too precious and too cute in my kitty cat jammies and socks and shoes.”

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