Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quilting Queen

IMG_6449 Tonight when we got home, Maggie & Mimi were in working on a quilt.  You decided that you wanted to “help”.

IMG_6444 This was the perfect job for you, b/c you LOVE to pick up dish towels, blankets, and now pieces of fabric and lay them out on the ground.  What a good little helper.  You were NOT NOT NOT happy when we were done laying out the squares and you started to make a mess instead of helping and I took you in the other room.  You would have thought it was the beginning of World War III w/ the way you were throwing a fit!

IMG_6451But after that it was time for a horsey ride with Papa.  What a spoiled little girl!  But you are so dang cute.  Look at that precious face!  No we just have to work on that temper of yours!

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