Saturday, November 29, 2008

Papa & The Park

IMG_6619 This morning you and Andrew spent time w/ Papa.  He made us waffles for breakfast and then read you and Andrew books.  It is so sweet to see how cute he is with you and Andrew.

IMG_6623 After reading books, we went outside to see the big huge squirrel that Papa caught in a little trap he set up near the garden.  You and Andrew were scared of it b/c it was big and kept running back and forth in the cage but Papa was there to protect you both.

IMG_6627 We all got cleaned up and ventured out since we spent all day yesterday inside just relaxing in our jammies.  Lexie & Jon needed to go to Sam Moon’s for some shopping and I was more than happy to go along with them.  You did really well in the store, especially b/c I gave you some bows I bought for you to carry around the store.  After that, we wanted to go to the park to wear you and Andrew out so you would both take good naps.  You loved going down the slide.

IMG_6631 Andrew, Aunt Lexie & Uncle Jon

IMG_6632 You were pretty adventurous today and went to the “big kids” part of the park.  You just ran and around and climbed on things like it was no big deal.  You are growing up so much!

IMG_6635 And you’re ridiculously  adorable too!

IMG_6636 We only stayed for about 30 minutes b/c it was super windy and that made it really cold and miserable.  You were NOT happy when I went to put you in the car and had to carry you football style while you kicked and screamed the whole way.

IMG_6637 We got home and after a nice long nap you were much happier.  You found this little stuffed Christmas moose and carried it around with you all afternoon.  What a fun day!

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