Friday, November 21, 2008

Kisses For The Kitties

IMG_6415 Tonight you were in a really good mood and were having me chase you around the island in the kitchen.  When I would come around the corner from the opposite direction than you thought I was coming, you would just stop and hug the cabinet and smile like this.  You are so stinkin’ cute!

IMG_6407 Uncle Curt must have felt bad that you cried when he left w/ the kitties a few days ago b/c he came back w/ Jesse this time and brought all 4 of the kitties.

IMG_6404 We had to keep telling you to be “soft” w/ the kitties, b/c you would get so excited and try to grab their tails or squeeze them too tight.  You loved giving them hugs.

IMG_6402 You also like petting them b/c they are so soft.  You also kept wanting to give them kisses.

IMG_6401 I know this picture is blurry, but I really liked it anyways.  You are so lucky to have not only a family that loves you so much but also Uncle Curt and his family that love you and spoil you rotten!

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