Monday, October 13, 2008

Pretty Pink Ribbon

Today when we got home, you found this pink ribbon and wanted to go outside to play with it.

You are the cutest little bug that ever lived!

You completely crack me up with some of the silly faces you make.

Just enjoying some of the nice warm weather outside on the bench.

What are you looking for under the table?

"Mom, did you know there was a hole in the middle of the table?"

"Peek-a-boo! Here I am!"

"Emma, get off of're ruining my shot."

"Hey, that's my pink ribbon! Silly dog!"

"OK, you can sit in my lap for this picture, just don't steal the attention I'm getting."

"Mom, can we go play in the backyard?"

And...she's off...

"What??? It's getting cold and dark and it's time to go back inside? I don't want to!"

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