Saturday, July 26, 2008

Surprise Saturday

Today I woke up to this lovely surprise that was in your bed. Luckily your diaper held in most of it, but this part slipped out. I still love you tons even if you're a little pooper.

It was HOT outside, so we went swimming for a while. You love swimming w/ Mimi. Actually, you just love being in the pool anytime.

After that, we got cleaned up and went and got Uncle Nick from work. Papa surprised us by taking us to Napoli's to eat.

You are a stinker to take out to restaurants lately. You just want to run around, get into everything, not sit still, etc. You kept trying to stick your hand in my drink, almost fell off your chair, etc. But you're such a cute little bug.

You would have thought we gave you the world when we let you carry the left overs, even thought the bag is as big as you are. I know this picture is blurry, but you were just running and smiling so much, I was lucky to even grab my camera in time to get a picture. I'm glad you get so excited over such simple things. You're turning into such a big girl.

Papa with all 3 of his girls...Mimi laid on Papa to get back rub, and Emma climbed on her and you were on Emma. So silly!

You are so lucky that Emma is so nice to you and lets you play with her tail and touch her face without biting at you. It used to be that you would just tolerate her, but now the tables have turned and she's the one that puts up with you.

You love getting back rubs w/ this little thing, and after you got one, you returned the favor and gave Papa one.

You were so cute and held your little baby and danced around the room with her. You're going to be such a good little mommy.

Everyone tells me that you should be a basketball player when you grow up, b/c I'm so tall. I just hope that you get Daddy's coordination. I loved this picture, b/c it's like it's a picture of what your future will palming a ball with one hand and having a great career as a b-ball player, but also making time to be a wife and mommy and have a family by carrying your baby in the other arm.

You went down for a nap, and I ran to WalMart to have 2 hours of alone time and uninterrupted shopping. I got home and Uncle Curt came over to visit. I gave him some yogurt to feed you (you LOVE yogurt) and you just sat right down on his tummy and ate that whole container of yogurt.

I got you a little potty so I can try and start potty training you. As you can tell, you were pretty intrigued by it and wondered what was in that hole.

"Hey, isn't there supposed to be a toy or something fun in here?" You'll learn soon enough what goes in there!

You have learned how to climb up on the chairs at the kitchen table. You're turning into such a little monkey b/c you climb all over everything.

But, you haven't learned how to get down on your own yet. It was a fun day, and I just hope you know that you are my world and that I love you tons and my life would not be complete without you!


1 comment:


Tell my little princess to stop growing up so fast. Are you really trying to potty train her? WOW, you are a very amazing woman. Seeing these fun pictures makes me miss being up there with you guys. I am excited to see my little princess on Friday. LOVE YOU & give her kisses for me.