Saturday, June 28, 2008

Breathing Treatments & A Treat

You have been such a sick little bug lately. You started wheezing really bad, and sounded like a cat purring when you were breathing. So, we stopped by the clinic to get a neublizer so we could give you breathing treatments. But, we just ended up having you looked at, and I'm glad we did. They wrote us a prescription for steroids to help with breathing. I had to give you a breathing treatment, and you were NOT HAPPY! I have to pretty much hold you down while you just scream, but it's something that helps you!

After that, we went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Grammy's birthday (it was on the 22nd). You and her were making funny faces.

It's hard to go out in public with you, b/c you lose interest in things quickly. But you were entertained for a good 20 minutes with my water. You kept sticking your hand in there.

And then you would rub your hands together and then put your hands on me. You're so silly! You also love to suck on ice. You would put it in your mouth and suck on it and then take it out and play with it, but then it would get slippery and you would drop it on the floor. You crack me, and would go fishing for another piece of ice in my water.

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