Sunday, February 10, 2008

Curious & Rebelious

Today you "turned a corner" as Grammy Lisa likes to say. It's like today all of a sudden you noticed that there was a fireplace. You climbed up on it and were very curious about it. You look like you've got pink skin, b/c you had a little rash break out on your body from the antibiotics, so I put some calamine lotion on you.

And I don't know what possessed you to go and get this done while I was gone to work, but you went and got a tattoo! At least it is small and can be covered by your onesie. Just kidding, at daycare they were learning about the letter "T" so you learned about tickling, tigers, and then they gave everyone a rub on tattoo.

Going along with your rebelious streak, I told you that you needed to get down off the fireplace and you were NOT happy as you can tell from the picture. I hope this isn't foreshadowing of the future when you're a teenager.

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