Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yentel at PF Chang's

Grammy and Grandpa called while we were on the way home to say they had gone out on a date night to PF Chang's. They had a lot left over and said to stop by and come eat with them. So we did. You wanted to play with the napkin, so I put it on your head and turned you into Yentel.

"Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match. Find me a find, catch me a catch."

Then you were being so cute in the car on the way home.

You are such a cutie pie and were flirting with everyone at the restaurant. You would just stare at them as they walked by and smile. They were all putty in your hands.

OK, mom. I've had enough with the camera already!

1 comment:

Kim and Adam said...

Oh my gosh she is getting more adorable as she grows up!!! I miss you both!! pinch those cute little cheeks for me:)