Mmm...what is this
chocolaty goodness? I was eating an ice cream cone tonight and holding you. You kept following the cone with your eyes, and lately anytime Dad and I are eating something you sit there and watch us and smack your lips. It's like you know we're eating and you think you should be eating too. So, I decided to give you a little taste. I worried you would freak out and cry b/c the ice cream was cold on your gums. But, you did great and loved it. You would even open your mouth like you knew what to do. However, you did get a little bit messy, but all in all, I think you
enjoyed it. Especially from the look on your face in this pic. It just makes me laugh when I see it. It's like you're mesmerized by the goodness of ice cream and chocolate. You for sure are your mother's daughter if you like chocolate and ice cream.
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