Saturday, February 3, 2007

Curses on mastitis

Well, I had heard about mastitis in the hospital, just kind of blew it off. Especially since I was getting about 5 oz of milk on my right breast and 4 on my left every time I pumped. Well, Thursday I didn't pump for about 10 hours b/c I got busy and forgot and it just wasn't convenient. Well, I paid for it big time. Thursday night I woke up just freezing. I went and put on socks, sweatpants, a hoodie, and gloves. But I still couldn't get warm. Friday we woke up and I was sweating big time. But I didn't think much about it. We packed up our stuff and headed down to Provo for your blessing. We got down there and Grandpa told me I had mastitis. It's basically a breast infection, and I was miserable all weekend. I would just shake and shiver, even though I had on 3 blankets, socks, slippers, and a coat. Grandma made me some hot chocolate and we put a hot compress on my breast. That helped a little, but not much.
Saturday Dad went skiing with Grandpa and some of Grandpa's brothers up at the Canyons. Pam Thompson was able to get them free ski lift tickets. Well, Dad said he was out of shape and only wanted to do half a day. Luckily, Cory also was only doing half a day so they got home around 3:00. Cory and Uncle Nick gave me a blessing and I started to feel much better. It was good they came home when they did, because I had a temperature of 103.7, and I called my dr. They said to draw a line around the red part and if it got worse, I'd have to go to the hospital for IV antibiotics. Grandpa also said I had to massage my breast hard to squeeze out the infection. OUCH! Not fun, but it helped, and we even got some puss out. YUCK. Well, b/c of that, my milk production decreased big time and I was only getting about 2 oz. each breast.

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