Monday, December 8, 2008

Tornados…Take Cover!!!

IMG_6746Tonight it was raining REALLY hard, which is not really anything new for Texas.  We get some pretty awesome thunder storms and I love them.  Anyways, I was getting ready for bed when Uncle Nate came in and told me Papa had just called from work and we had to wake you up and go get in the closet under the stairs b/c he was watching the news and it showed there were tornados forming right near where we live.  So, we went and had to empty out all the winter coats and all the luggage we store under the stairs and get in.  I was laughing the whole time and saying, “Yeah, right.  There’s no tornado.”  I said that b/c we still had electricity and even the TV was still working.  Emma wanted to get in the closet with us.

IMG_6745 While we were in there we looked through our 24 hour emergency back pack.  There was a piece of paper in there (the one I’m holding up) saying what was in the backpack and I noticed it had written at the top that we got it in May of 1994!!!  Our emergency bag is over 14 years old!  We looked through it and there were some alcohol pads that were all dried out and Uncle Nate found a little package from an MRE (that’s a military meal and it stands for Meal Ready to Eat).  He opened it and started eating the fruit mix.  He said it tasted really good.  You were really good, especially since you had just been abruptly woken up.  You just sat there on my lap w/ your blankey and wondered what in the heck was going on.  You thought it was kind of fun to “hide” in the closet.

Anyways, I’m so glad that we didn’t have any damage, b/c the county just north of us had some major damage.  It was a fun experience to at least know we were somewhat prepared in case something happened.  Next time we’re just going to hide in my bathroom so we don’t have to put back all the luggage and coats.  I think we need to update our 24 hour emergency backpack, though…14 years old???  LOL!

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